Technical informations - Systems

FMS-BOS Funkmeldesystem fur Behorden und Organisationen mit Sicherheitsaufgaben
Sistema V/UHF con velocità di 1200 Baud. Usato prevalentemente dalle forze dell'ordine tedesche per lo scambio di dati e informazioni tra mezzi mobili e le centrali operative.

FMS-BOS Funkmeldesystem fur Behorden und Organisationen mit Sicherheitsaufgaben
FMS-BOS loosely translated as Radio Calling/Communications System for Authorities and
Organizations with Security Concerns. Supports a baud rate of 1200 and uses BCD for all digits. This system is designed to minimize overall traffic by transmitting a series of codes in 48bits. The 48bits are divided into 6 parameters: BOS-id, Country-code, Trunk-code, vehicle-id, status, special-use.